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February 20, 2012


Leparoux lands Derby favorite, and a bride to be

(Thanks to Omaha Bridget)


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That'll put an end to their horsing around.

Since he sees horses mostly every day, one might guess that he's picked a better-lookin' bride than did that prince guy in England who looks like Alfred E. Neuman ... there's "horses" and then there's "horsey" ... merely sayin' ...

We can assume he'll be riding that Philly.

Hope he's not nag-intolerant.

he's ready to take the bridle path

Not furlong....

what a stud

She's groomed him well.

No, I am not getting married. I'm only saying this once: the rumors are not true.

So is Leparoux, who has been based in Kentucky since his first full riding season in 2006. He's leaving, agent Steve Bass says, because New York has "the better racing dates and better purses."

If he's into purses, the marraige may be in trouble before it begins. I don't know many any jockeys who carry purses.

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