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February 29, 2012


Do not click here.

(Thanks to queensbee, Kendall Avery and Peter Metrinko)


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YOWZER!!! That's gotta hurt!

Will the testicle testify, if it goes to court?

Why aren't those things glued on better?

they arent sown on???

Was it hanging from the back of a pickup truck?

I've...I've lost my youthful illusions.
But at least I've got my cojones.

*doesn't click*

Kibby F5 it's not bad. It just talks about some guy getting hit so hard his cojones exploded and he lost one of them. There aren't any pictures or anything.

Nursecindy, as a man with cojones, let me tell you: it's definitely bad.

I have always depended on the kindness of " Do not click " advisories.

Reminds me of the quote attributed to Betty White:

"Why do people say, "Grow some balls?" Balls are weak and sensitive. If you really wanna get tough, grow a vagina. Those things take a pounding."

*have no idea if she actually said this, but it still makes me laugh*

At least Dave found this while surfing a sports site.

I thought taking copius amounts of 'roids made those things dissappear. Must have been an aspiring wrestler.

Didn't Ruptured Right Testicle open for Smashing Pumpkins?

Dude, don't bust my balls. No, really. Don't bust my balls.

It just talks about some guy getting hit so hard his cojones exploded and he lost one of them. There aren't any pictures or anything.
Posted by: nursecindy | February 29, 2012 at 12:31 PM

cindy, if that is your definition of "not bad" I do not want to see your definition of excruciating.

Here is mine, by the way.

*n'cin's "not bad" reminds me of that old joke ... punchline of which is "when I hit the end of the chain" ... *

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