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February 14, 2012


Australian fined for showing buttocks to Elizabeth

(Thanks to Robert Shaw)


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I'm sure the queen was not amused.

Down Under indeed.

warned he would repeat the act if US President Barack Obama were to make a visit to Australia.
Bet Obama would just point and laugh..

"...the man dropped his trousers and ran alongside the queen's motorcade for 50 metres, with an Australian flag clasped between his buttocks."

Where was the flag pole?

Proof that sometimes having an asshole is just like
being one?

Will it change anything? No. Send him to Grenada.

He thought they said it will be fine if you show the queen your arse

Quite cheeky, indeed.

i bet she royally flushed when she saw his birthday suit!

*wishes a happy <3 to all*


"Offffffffff with his head!!"

That is quite a clench. I can't imagine being able to hold a flag pole with my cheeks, but if they send him to prison I bet the other inmates leave him alone.

Happy Less Than Three to you, too, ligirl.

That's a bootable offense.

"Showing buttocks to Elizabeth" is a well-known folksong in the farther reaches of the Scots highlands, dating back as far as the 16th century. It's usually performed by a trio: a singer, a bagpiper, and a sheep. In the officers' mess of the 147th Royal Bushwhackers, it's traditionally performed by the regimental concertina band as the waiters bring in the flaming Haggis.

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