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February 20, 2012


An Austin, Texas, organization said it is working to build the world's largest ball of dog fur and has asked for donations.

(Thanks to Ralph)+


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Keep Austin Weird ain't just a motto. It's in the water.

Keep Austin wooly.

I thought the largest fur ball in Austin is in the Governor's Mansion.

Keep Austin Weird doesn't begin to describe this.

"It's a fun concept because it's simple and visual and disgusting and people like that...."

- shedding light on jersey shore appeal

Oh, My Gracious!

So many straight lines ... so little time ... where to start?

Can cats contribute? If not, you are severely limiting the amount of fur-ther development.

The Loon Star State?

Heck, our Basset sheds more than 65 lb. of hair in any given year ...

PETA will not be happy. They oppose all use of fur.
So when the "ball" is complete, can we send ut to PETA?

We could probably contribute.
Stewie is a small dog but we have him trimmed when he reaches what we call his "Neanderdog" state. At that point he is about 40% hair, by volume.

Careful, Meanie. I live near D/FW. You including me?

score another for ligirl.

she's on roll today.

thank u mud

dingdingding - we have a winner in Meanie.

Dang, I threw out a fair-sized bale of Border collie fur this morning. If I had only known, I could have mailed it in.

MOTW, as a resident of the Garden State, home of that semi-reality-based abomination "starring" Snooki and The Situation, I consider myself qualified to judge. Just like we's ain't all like dem, we's all know youse ain't all like the Furball Pride crowd.

Still, someone had to say it.....

Besides, FL needs some competition, no?

Unfair to loons.

So, if they found out that someone snuck in some cat fur, would they have to dismantle it and start over?

Do you understand our electoral process now?

If this guy had a large yellow lab like I have he wouldn't need to ask for donations.

Goodness gracious, great balls of fur ...

Sorry, Jerry. Nobody else wanted it, apparently.

I used to have an Irish Setter that gave enough fur every week to knit myself another dog...

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