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January 26, 2012


TWO porn stars are set to get voters' pulses racing when they face off in a mayoral race.

(Thanks to BillyJoeJimBob)


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That's funny.

"Hey, why is that guy taking so long in the voting booth?"

They will go down through anything for votes.

"The two candidates' backers are organising a pole-dancing night next month where local voters can see what the big election issues are..."

I guess that'd be "poll-dancing," then?

I knew this had to be Italy.

Now, now, our politicians are of "ill repute", too. We're competitive.

Do they need a pimp, er, campaign manager?

That Fox is a real ... um ... Fox, eh?

Will be covered uncovered on the Italian Naked News.

Amandha said: "I want voters to see the real me."

Not to be outdone, Luana said she wanted voters to
"have" the real me, until her campaign "managers" hustled her off to an undisclosed location.

Shouldn't they be running for vice president?

I'm sure there are BIG election issues for everyone to see.

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