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December 24, 2011


Have a cool Yule.6a00d83451587d69e20148c6d48af3970c-800wi



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Dave, have joy along with Mrs. Blog and Sophie!

Thanks Dave & Sophie. Same to your fam.

Many joyful wishes for Dave, Mrs Blog, Sophie, and judi!

Merry Christmas from New Zealand. We beat you to it again.

Thanks, Sophie & Dave (and judi of course). And to all a Good Night!

My life has so much extra joy in it from Dave and the blog. Have Joy to all!

Enjoy this holiday to the max, and good luck in the New Year, as long as it lasts!

Thanks to all - Dave, his barberho Research Department, Michelle, Sophie, Rob, and all you merry blogelves.

and also with you alls!!!

Thanks, Dave. Merry Christmas to you and family. If you ever want to try my homemade salsa let me know and I will send you some. You can share it with whoever you want. I can up different salsa's every year. I have given and sent Mitch some but have never heard if they like it or not and so I don't want to send any unless someone truly wants some.

What they said...

Same to you all, Barrys (and Judi).

Dave, I can't wait for your new book to come out in Jan. I have enjoyed all of your books through the years.

Awwww. Hope you and yours are having a great one.

Dave wrote a book?

Love ya all.... and to all a good night!

Best to all and God bless us, every one.


Well, the above just about covers it.
Safe and Merry Christmas and prosperous New Year to all.

Happy Ho Ho Ho to You.

My favorite Dave posting, every year.

And thank you, one and all, for constantly keeping me amused, if not outright "snorking".

You're all much cheaper than psychotherapy!

Merry Christmas all y'all. Have Joy and a partridge in a pear tree.

Appropriate Remark! :)

I reunited with my very first love, who has been a Miami Herald employee since 1974.
Talk about JOY!

Thank you for another year of good will and good humor Dave.

Posted on Christmas morning:
Ha! I lived through another one!
Hope everyone else survived the Holiday, too.
Happy New Year!

Back at y'all...

Did we ever do the Ink Spots White Xmas cartoon bit this year? Somebody's gettin' coal in their stocking if judi, er, I mean somebody forgot.

Well, just in case, to save judi's job YET again:


Peace and Joy and Laughter to all!

Merry Christmas, everyone!

Merry Christmas, you crazy people of the blog!!!!

Merry Christmas, all y'all! No Year in Review, or did I just miss it? :)

Merry Christmas everyone!

I couldn't get Padraig's link to work but I found this one which does work.
Scroll down and you will see it. Hopefully this has saved Judi's job and kept Padraig from getting a *SMACK*.

p.s. It was the Drifters, not the Ink Spots. My apologies to the heirs of Clyde McPhatter.

The PLATTERS. arrgghhh. I blame the egg nog.

Eggnog and global warming...a lethal combination, padraig.

I've been waiting for "Have Joy" ever since Thanksgiving. It's one of my very favorite Christmas traditions.

Thanks to Dave and Judi for providing a Safe Place for all us bloggers. Blessings to the Barry's, the Smiths, and Michelle's whole family; Rob's household; and to all of you and yours, and theirs, unto the sixth degree of separation.

That never gets old. May Dave and judi and everyone here have joy! Merry Christmas!

Hope everyone had a merry one!

You drew this card, Dave, didn't you?

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