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November 29, 2011


...but they're still guys.

(Thanks to Ralph)


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Classy as ever.


Never bring a walking stick to a fist fight.

The first time I met the young man who became my son-in-law last Saturday was when my daughter wanted me to take them on a picnic.
As is family custom, as soon as we finished eating we took our shoes off and went down to the creek to look for spiders and snakes.
I should have known he was a keeper when he joined in and found the first snake.
Maturity? What's that?

Once a Minnesota Viking....

Thats why we could save billions on defense if we'd
persuade the world to elect old foggies over ninety to fight it out, and whoever wins the fight wins the issue or dispute. Then we need to find the best 90+
year old athletic/skilled/scrappy fighter we can to represent the U.S.

Or...we could fight to the death as nations which is
pretty much what we are doing now...

(My Mutterings in my corner...)

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