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October 29, 2011


“Massive Mocha” says that men ask her to sit on them until they feel they are going to pass out from loss of breath in an act called “Squashing.” They then tap her and she proceeds to get off of them.

(Thanks to Woozy Barnes)


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OMG her body swallowed him up. That's not romance heaven forbid.

Monty Python was 40 years ahead of the curve: "Sit on my face/And tell me that you love me..."

I saw this before it was posted here,
and thought it was too crass for this blog....

apparently , not...

That old saying might change from
"there's a good woman behind every successful man"
"there a huge woman sitting on every man" if this ever
catches on...

just sayin....

I'd rather let the truck roll over me.

funny man - too crass? Shirley you jest!

It isn't clear how anyone gets off from this.

No weigh!

ALLLLLLLLLrighty then.

How many blog guys had nightmares about this last night?

John Waters thought she was Divine.

This could solve a lot of unexplained disappearances.

How many blog guys had nightmares about this last night?

Posted by: nursecindy | October 30, 2011 at 07:05 AM

Not last night, cindy - tonight.

Looks like Aretha before she lost the weight.

I mean, WTFBBQ is (so-called) "Dr. Drew" putting this sick sh!t on the air for?

It is a truly wonderful thing that the existence of the world and all its variety does not depend on my understanding.

But what if she doesn't get up when he taps her?

Jeff, what if she can't get up when he taps her?

Also, what happens is, "Next!"

0h my Gawd!

I can add to the nightmares, blog guys! Imagine what could happen if Massive Mocha has gas.

I think maybe we've come up with a plot for Stephen King's next book here.

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