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October 29, 2011


Scientists can 'train' people to meet aliens in their dreams?

(Thanks to funny man and Jeff Meyerson)


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When they can work out a program that will allow me to meet George Clooney in my dreams, then we'll talk.

That's sort of Freddy-ish for Halloween.

I for one welcome our new alien overlords.

I'm not sure how I'd greet them, Jeff.

As long as they aren't cannibals or demons, it might work out.

Certainly one would think (and hope) they couldn't and wouldn't mess thinks up as much as our last and current "leaders" have.

By the way, I heard about this late, but Kansas City suburbs of Lee Summit, Raytaown, and Independence had huge UFO sightings the first weekend of October. This weekend, especially Monday, we are expecting ghosts, ghouls and

I live in Southern California. I meet aliens on a daily basis. Usually, all they want are directions to Disneyland, Knotts, or the Anaheim Hooters (Take 57 south and exit at Katella. If you see Ball Road, you've gone too far.)

My reading ability is severely limited while dreaming; I would be unable to tell if the aliens' green cards are legitimate.

To heck with aliens. I'd pay good money to meet certain people in dreams. IYKWIM.
Dream romance is probably the best kind. They never stay over and you don't have to cook breakfast.

Just so they STAY OFF MY LAWN!

Ball road.. to far..

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