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October 29, 2011


Man Steals Sandwich, Uses Stolen Forklift As Getaway

(Thanks to Mark Schlesinger)


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WE FORGOT to play "guess the state"

and ask..."was alcohol..."

By the way, it wasn't Florida. Ya can't have every
question loaded, can ya?

By the way,, comments underneath the story almost rival our own bloggers.

WHere IS EVERYBody????

I hope he managed to steal a little roll of Tums before he got caught. He's going to need it after eating that Reuben sandwich.

How do you plead, young man?

My client pleads effin' stupid, your honor.

Lift a lift.

Exactly, Curtis.

This guy definitely goes into the "Criminal Mastermind of the Week" finals.

“Apparently he was tired of walking and he saw the forklift with the keys in it and seemed like a good idea at the time,” Detective Brian Kohlhepp said.

I bet he's one of those fat clowns who zooms around Walmart on those scooters.

But I must admit I am shocked...that it didn't happen in Florida.

I've heard that the Bible claims that the love of money is the root of all evil.
However, "seemed like a good idea at the time" is a much better fit.

Its not that a fork lift would call attention to itself. And don't they move fairly s-l-o-w-l-y?

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