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October 28, 2011


Granny fends off croc attack with a mean punch

Key Name: Lumeit Entabang.

(Thanks to Jeff Meyerson, who says "I would stay off her lawn.")


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Following the incident, residents of the longhouse and nearby villa-ges held a miring ngampun ceremony, a traditional Iban ritual to pacify any spirit or jungle creature that the community may have offend-ed.

In Texas, there would've been a dozen shotguns aimed at the varmint. 'Offend-ed' .. my sweet patooty.

Lumeit Entabang --> late minute bang

Good for her. Let em have it.

Lumeit Entabang -->
Nut at nimble age
Maul net beating

Bullying is unacceptable.

It's probably a good thing the croc let her go. I'm pretty sure she would have been a little tough. btw, I keep a size 13 knitting needle by my bed for protection. Perhaps this granny should invest in a pair.

Must have been a Hawaiian Punch. (With Halloween apologies to the ghost of Ross Martin.)

Today's crocs are just big sissies.

The croc has been demoted to alligator. He's crying about it but he's not very sincere about the whole thing.

So her crocs attacked her. Big whoop. They're all kindsa squishy on my feet, so really how hard could they be when they hit her?

Not hit her, Diva, bit her.

Yes! I just sit on my porch with my shot gun so the local crocs teenagers stay off my lawn!

Go Granny!

Kidding aside, that was an awesome achievement. My hat is off to a courageous woman.

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