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October 29, 2011


Spherical Flying Machine Developed by Japan Ministry Of Defense

(Thanks to funny man)


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I don't know what it's use is but I want one.
btw, shame, shame on my fellow bloggers! Here's Dave on a Saturday night, working his fingers to the bone, just to make us happy and some of you can't even be bothered to blog! He could be out partying. He could be doing what I've been doing all day which is taking pain pills and watching the Murder She Wrote marathon on the Hallmark Channel. But instead, as usual, he's thinking of us. I want to see some comments! Because frankly I'm a little tired of Angela Lansbury right now.

That's one way to get around. Does it come with the 12 year old to fly it?

Pearl Harbor, here we come!!!

All your base are belong to us.

One word, cindy: Matlock.

He's a little old but he's never lsot a case.

The video subtitle says "It can also keep in contact with a wall while flying." I'd pay to see that!

Actually, the French developed a spherical flying machine long ago.

I want Luke to bash that with his light sabre.

I predict these will be selling at kiosks in every local Mall by next Christmas.
They will cost $19.95 and last almost 30 minutes before they break.

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