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October 27, 2011


Brest falls out over Miss France contest

(Thanks to Mark Schlesinger)


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"This is an investment in communication," he said. "Endemol has promised at least eight minutes of promotion for the town."

I'll bet they have. You could say the entire event is centered around it.

That said, I agree with the opposition. Total waste of money.

Am I the only one who clicked on the link after misreading "Breast falls out over Miss France" ?


And I'm sure the headline writer counted on that.


You say Brest is all a titter?

Apologies to Dave. I thought he had misspelled 'breast'. I should have known better.

You never heard of Breast-Litovsk?

I had occasion to play the board game Diplomacy in high school. Suffice it to say: 1) the game board is a map of Europe broken into sub-country regions, 2) the name of one of the regions of France was a big reason for the game's popularity in my high school, and 3) that's the only reason I knew this headline was not a typo.

Nothing to get excited about. There's a town down the road called Drumstick.

HS students, so immature.

Darn. Got me too.

Diplomacy is a fun game to play with people you hate and hope to never see again--it's all about lying to everybody else and breaking promises.

Is this the Brest best France can offer?

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