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October 29, 2011


Apparrently not. Aparantly not. No.

65718134 (1)

(Thanks to Don Faber)


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I'm shocked that this happened in Florida! In their defense they had all the letters there. They just didn't arrange them correctly. If they had changed the first letter and added an 'l' it would have read 'alcohol'. Which could have been involved.

I also see that yellow lines mean something to Florida drivers - like "drive here".

Judging from the spelling and the guy driving on the wrong side of a double yellow line I'm willing to play Guess the State for a million dollars, Alex.

In Northern VA, Yellow lines are merely suggestions, also stop signs, yield, and the ever popular red light.


They won't slow down for a " scohol Zone " either, so what difference does it make ?

Do I get a prize for correctly guessing which state it happened in?

*SMACKS* Loudmouth for failing to notice I have already said that.

Shoulder must be better or you are becoming ambidextrous nc.

Sorry about the *SMACK* Loudmouth. No it isn't better but hopefully the Orthopedic surgeon I'm seeing Monday will fix it up. Another problem I'm having is suddenly some of you blog guys are becoming strangely appealing. I spoke to Siouxie about it and we've agreed it's the pain medicine.

well, cindy, just keep speeling gud, and you shud have no problm readign taht prescripshunn bottle.....
you'll be back in great smacking condition soon.

unless stupidity is taking over everything.

fcuk me!

Thanks queensbee. The thing that is killing me the most is I can't knit or crochet because both make my arm hurt!

cindy, you sure picked the wrong week to stop drinking.

It doesn't happen only in the Souht.

Blame poor editing.

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