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October 30, 2011


Giant Lego man to remain in custody

(Thanks to Jeff Meyerson)


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Usually things that wash up on a beach start to stink pretty bad before 90 days.

"...and will not be released for generate tourism..."

Where's Mr. Language Person when you be for to need him?

You're right. It should read, "...and will not be released for TO generate tourism..."

He's a drifter.
And like many a drifter before him, you can hold onto him for a while.
Then he finds a warm current and floats off to new horizons. New adventures.

Soon, giant lego men will have no rights.

I didn't think you could be held for more than 48 hrs.
without charges, and if they charge him, they better us a low voltage.

Lego men have been known to melt for high voltage.

oh, the humanity. oh, wait.

Attica! Attica!

Earwig Alert. Peter and Gordon's I Go to Pieces:

When I see waves start to hit the beach,
I get so shaky and I feel so weak
I try to turn my head the other way
Then discover I've no neck, what more can I say?

I've got plastic pieces floating in the tide
Plastic pieces, both narrow and wide
Everytime a wave washes by.

I tell my arms they'll stay attached today
Another reason I need glue.
But they don't fit well, no one seems to care
They pop off and people stop to stare.

I've got plastic pieces floating in the tide
Plastic pieces, both narrow and wide
Everytime a wave washes by.

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