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October 29, 2011


Priests bless manhole covers


(Thanks to Jeff Meyerson and Ralph)


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I'm a Catholic and I don't understand the reasoning behind this.

Gee, I thought those were industrial strength Communion Wafers...

I have never heard of a priest blessing a manhole cover before but they are kind of nice looking.

Once again, the Catholics are only concerned about manholes.

Priests blessing 'womanholes'? I'm not sure they go that way, if you know what I mean.

"Councillors in Lodz, Poland, replaced all 4,000 of the town's manhole covers...."

That's going to make it much harder to go fishing.

And yes, I'm part Polish.

guy got all dressed up to bless manholes? whut?

I read that as "manhood covers" and thought it meant jock straps.
It seemed to make sense at the time.

WHEW! That is where the Zombies come from. Thank you Father!

just curious. Was the Dave Barry Sewage Lifting Stabion blessed?

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