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September 30, 2011


Plane almost upside-down after co-pilot presses wrong button

(Thanks to The Perts)


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Just be thankful he couldn't hit the eject button with the door locked and the pilot outside.

Better instructors wanted.

$ 50 up charge added to ticket for in-flight thrills

"Four passengers reported health problems following the incident."

famous last words, "hey, what's this button d..."

"Oops - my bad, people."

*sound of general barfing through the cabin*

I had no idea pilots were trained in Oklahoma:

"Hold my beer and watch this."

This should have been a scene from "Airplane!" Co-pilot scans the complicated control board and reaches to press a button. Camera zooms in to show the button is labeled "FLY UPSIDE DOWN"...

Allen, one of my favorite parts in Airplane was the auto pilot. This is exactly what happens when you give a former Blue Angel a commercial pilots license. Mistake my foot!

When the Boeing 707 was new and being demonstrated to potential customers, test pilot Tex Johnson performed a barrel roll. So it can be done. But this guy is no Tex Johnson.

The manoeuvre happened when the co-pilot, in trying to unlock the cockpit door for the captain who was returning from the toilet...

I told you to go before we left the tarmac!

How do you say, "Wheeeeeeee!" in Japanese?

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