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September 26, 2011


Not this blog.

(Thanks to jon harris)


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Yeah, that is unusual. There is a lot of turkeys in Northern Mi. to be had. One flew into my windshield the last time I was up there.

That turkey must have a lot of holes in it.

Does he transport it from state to state in a TSA-approved see-through bag?

There are lots of turkeys in DC, yet he didn't come here, 'cause, you know, it's not a state. DC turkeys are too oily to eat anyway.

Did anyone check out the hacked construction sign?

Why join
the navy
when you
can be a

Alaska doesn't have turkeys? Did Palin kill them all?

The assertion that Alaska doesn't have turkeys is unproven ...

Send him to Washington!

Next mission: picking cranberries in every state.

Turkey season - shoot turkeys
Dear Season - Shoot deer
Tourist season...

@ oneblankspace - the sign was hacked again the next day, with a quote from Gandhi...

Jeff, Palin is the turkey in Alaska. (And I'm a registered Republican).

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