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September 21, 2011


Space Chicken

(Thanks to The Perts)


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Always a new science lesson on Dave's blog

I think you need some of those mushrooms that usually didn't go on a pizza to see a chicken there.

The chicken is falling!
The chicken is falling!

Is this a test of whether or not the drugs are powerful enough to be considered "fun"?

They made us read Thackeray's Globules in high school. Hated it.

don't see no stinkin' chicken,

i do detect a gas cloud near uranus

*snork Loudmouth*

I like to think that Col. Sanders is now up amongst the stars, being cosmically pecked to death in the afterlife.

Looks like a scene from Red Dwarf to me.

Weird... I can't find the chicken. Am I looking at the right spot. I can see beak/s...so Am I close?

I think the chicken has the runs...


it tastes like hamburger!

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