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August 30, 2011


Unfortunately our strict policy prohibits us from bringing you the News From Britain.

(Thanks to Jeff Meyerson)


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Low blow?

a clever one, eh.

He had a leg up on the law. OTOH freedom with two legs would be more enjoyable.

*SNORK* @ Siouxie

If he could remove both legs it'd be lower.

'Lowcock Removed Leg'


I think there's a surgery that will correct this problem.


Well, it is.

In the US the two workers would be given jobs at TSA!

Wouldn't that indicate THREE legs?

The employees don't have a leg to stand on for reinstatement.

any guy who has ONE FOOT would be called LOWcock

Anyone over the age of 45, has a LOW(er)cock... Cindy told me.

Funny name.

You can't report the news from Britain. Australia, on the other hand, is okay.

This is actually News from Down Under, FWIW.

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