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August 26, 2011


Today is National Toilet Paper Day.

(Thanks to Otis)


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Not a square to spare.

Celebrating too much can really wipe you out.

I've never seen a public restroom that can even HOLD 71 people.

Yet, tragically, Greenpeace is once again putting the needs of rainforests above those of us with hemorrhoids. We NEED the soft paper. BACK OFF GREENPEACE!

Celebrate wisely: Drag your ass across the carpet and take a corn cob to lunch.

Thanks to my new high capacity toilet I can once again enjoy the thrill of using all the toilet paper I want.


Does this mean that August 27 is "zip up your pants day?"

Once again the media ignores the major issues.

finally, in a world of [insert CNN headline here] something to give a sh!t about.

would these be with or without the cardboard tube?

I sughgest we send Greenpeace to France to use their toilet paper. They will beg for then soft and absorbant type.

I plan to TP my neighbors tree once the storm passes, assuming the tree is still there.

A friend once convinced some gullible people that a pretentious couple had custom-made toilet paper at their wedding saying "Have a Wipe on Us."

At last year's celebration I got three sheets to the wind.

I sent an email to all my students reminding them of this day and encouraging them to celebrate accordingling.

Watch out for your trees if you live in Northern VA.

PS On the weather front. It is starting to get dark and windy and VERY HUMID.

Update: Mikey we have the 1000% Florida-style humidity here too. Rain showers are intermittent.

Again, I think maybe the television only shows the suburban stores where the shelves are bare. In this end of Brooklyn at least, there is plenty of milk, bread and etc. available.

The only line we had to wait on was to get in for brunch.


We are good here!

I have received emails from s couple of my kids who asked if they got extra credit for celebrating!

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