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August 29, 2011



(Thanks to Unholy Slacker)

Update: We have a new leader.


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Let's have a taste test with these and those coffee beans that a cat craps out.

Mom! You should see this new modeling gig I got. It's crap-tastic.

The tea tastes a bit sh1tty.

Loose tea?

and the Jew's ear has waxy aftertaste

I love the visual aid on the cover just in case the name wasn't clear enough.

Didn't Defecation Tea open for The Sex Pistols?

Shouldn't she be talking on a cell phone ?

Think I'll pass over those.

I usually read the comments before I click on a link about food here on the blog. After reading the comments I think I'll pass on this story.

Oy vey !

Most tea tastes like defecation.

And I thought "Pocari Sweat" was a bad name for a drink.

if you mix the jew's ear with the defecation tea it'll taste like manurah


i'll leave again


For those who might be interested in reviews of Asian Drinks, this link could be useful:


PS. I wouldn't open it at work.

The Asian translation bot messed up again. Just like with my DVD player manual. It's supposed to be called "Defcon Three".

I'm pretty sure I first got linked to engrish.com on this blog but it has these mistranslations by the hundreds. Sorry I haven't learned how to put up a link but I'm proud I learned how to take pictures with my cell phone recently, so be patient with me.

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