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July 20, 2011


Al Qaeda's breast implant bombers

(Thanks to -- and we have no doubt that this is his real name -- Phil McAvity, who notes that "Tatas of Terror" would be a good name for a rock band.)


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She's a real bombshell.
A rocket rack!
Jihadist jugs.
On an airplane, would it be an aureola assault?

Tatas of Terror opened for The Sewer Geysers back in '03.

different scanners for the endowed

Uh oh, Punkin, you're busted.

This is definitely something the TSA inspectors came up with on their all-male retreat. "Sorry ma'am, I'm going to have to give those a thorough inspection. It's for everyone's safety."

C4 cups.

Finally, a legitmate use for all those "FBI - Federal Boobie Inspector" t-shirts.

Wiredog, I think Tata's Of Terror was Madonna's back-up band in the early 80's.

No cindy, that was "The Bombrassieres."

How are implant bombers and TSA supervisors alike?
They're both boobs.

Is that nitro on your nipples, or are you just glad to see me?

I want to be there when Dolly Parton is scanned.

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