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July 19, 2011


When the Space Shuttle lands, everybody wear ape suits. Pass it on.

-- wiredog


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As luck would have it, mine is back from the cleaners. Unfortunately, it's 82 on its way to 91 with humidity...

Oh c'mon, NMUA! It's the best idea I've heard in ages!

I can't contribute a Statue of Liberty head, but we've got a 26-foot, soft-core Marilyn here in Chicago that might freak'em out.

clever way to monkey around!

Great Idea! I wish NASA guys had enough suits to great the astronauts like this! What a hit for the LAST Shuttle mission.

Still trying to picture "26-foot, soft-core Marilyn" looks like...........

If they'd though ahead, Hollywood probably would have supplied them for PR.

*snork* at wdog.

LeDud...here you go. (Sorry...too hot here to do linkie-thingie)


We used to have a Statue of Liberty from the nose up that we'd put on the frozen lake up here. It was part of a campaign promise by a student group to bring Lady Liberty to Madison. Their claim was that they got her here and her weight broke through the ice, but next summer you'll see the whole thing!

One of the guys behind that went on to found Mystery Science Theater 3000. We're just thankful he found ONE way to make a living.

I'm with NMUA. Hotter than hell here for the next week at least. Great idea, but if I put an ape costume on today I'd be dead in an hour. Maybe devil costumes would be more appropriate?

I'll put mine on, but I can't promise I won't fart in it...

LeD, you could put at least 30 people under the skirt in back in case of rain... And Marilyn would be honored to have you look up her skirt. Like she'd care... she worked hard to get that body and if models and actresses looked like that today, it would be a better, healthier world.

The astronauts should all wear James Carville suits.

I so want in on this. Best idea I've heard in YEARS, wire!

What ever happened to the giant Leetie head? She could be their new Supreme Ruler.

Note to new bloggers: This story goes back at least 7 years here, if not longer.

pirateboy?!? wow, that's a name i haven't heard in years!!

course, i haven't been here in a long time...

i went to visit a bloglit in australia last spring, and guess who greeted me at the airport? yes, the giant leetie head!

*tackles southerngirl from a flying leap* HIIIIIII!!!!!! Nice to see you back here again, too. :) Too funny that we both dropped back in today. :D

Who is this pretend southerngirl? She left our planet years ago with Elvis to return to her home planet. The men in black told me.

SG!!!! *huge hugs*

Welcome back! You were missed, muchly.

Didja hear that Dave may soon write a BOOK?

Amazing, isn't it?

Hail, hail! The gang's all here! Frenzied *hugs* all around! Where have you (we) all been keeping (y)ourselves??? Is it time for mojitos?

Yes! There is a layer of dust/grit and monkey business (ewww!) on the blog bar. Time to dust and clean!!!

Betsy - It's ALWAYS time for mojitos!! :)

I was there, Pad! "Pail and Shovel Party", if I recall correctly.

(LTTP, as usual. Was occupied in Tamps most of last week.)

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