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July 20, 2011


The first advertising campaign for non-human primates

(Thanks to Robert Shaw)


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Advertising in general, and specifically those shopping networks are known to make people behave like monkeys

"They do not have language or culture and they have very short attention spans," he says.

Sounds to me like a description of today's teenagers.

What's new about that?

We wanted to shoot our subjects involved in normal day-to-day life.

Which ironically is also the Pentagon's favorite motto rationale.

I think Funny Man might have broken the blog.

I've been run thru...

Monkey porn and alpha males--what is the world of monkey advertising coming to?---
From an editorial in Simian Parade magazine

oy, vey

We just had a recall election here and the ads were clearly aimed at lower simians

Another example of Global Primate Change.

Non-human primates? By that, do you mean "Editors" or "Managers"?


What category do those loathsome inter-species Spuds MacKenzie things fit in?

Does anyone not notice that everything is in the cross-out font here? Judiiiiiiiii! Or else I've lost another pair of my dime store glasses.

I want what the monkey with the big boobs is having.

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