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July 18, 2011


It's the Wienermobile's 75th birthday.

(Thanks to queensbee and Richard Hunt)


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it’s a 27-foot hot dog, but it turns on a dime.
But does it make change?

As a dog I, obviously, approve of sausages. Especially 27 foot long ones.


Wonder if they drive around the 9th congressional district in NY ?

I know that they could save "up to 15%" by switching to Geico. But I'd love to hear that call.
"Hi" the man says. "I'd like to see about insuring my wiener."

Mmmm. Hotdogs. Sorry OM, I'm going to Costco for a hotdog.

The best thing of all? Many condiment holders.

The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster should add this holy day to its advent calendar.
I would also suggest a liturgy somehow linking His Noodly Appendage with the With the Wiener Mobile of course whilst manipulating numerous condiment holders. But then again I am not able to comment on such things being a Methodist. Any believers out there with to take this fine suggestion up with your Deacons?

I've still got the Wiener Whistle that "Little Oscar" handed to me from the back of the *original* WienerMobile back in 1967.

It only plays 3 notes, but how many notes does anyone really need?

(And it used to drive our dog crazy....)

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