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July 30, 2011


The sports update has been canceled.

(Thanks to Horace LaBadie)


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I'll just stick with the Cubs.

I didn't know one kept score of this activity.

Ow. Crosses legs.

Wait, we're not making fun of a man named Gee? Gee.

Gee, Wang got taken deep and got an early shower. It's a good thing Wang doesn't play for the Giants or it would have read "Giant Wang......"

It's a good thing that he didn't play for DC in the 60's or he would have been the Senator's Wang.

Good thing he didn't play for Montreal in the early 2000s or he would have been an Expos' Wang.

leave my mets alone....

*salutes national wang*

I thought beating wang was an indoor sport.

Usually an indoor sport, SW. Usually.

8 to 5 sounds like a long day beating Wang. I wonder if they knocked off for lunch?

And I always thought baseball was a girly sport...

And the Bosox are thinking about acquiring a Dick Harden.

So, it's a contest now, is it?

*slaps $50 down* I'm out!

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