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July 20, 2011


Mutant Sperm

(Thanks to Bill Hudgins)


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that's what you get for too much hand-mucking

(i saw Mutant Sperm open for Sexless STYX)

I think Mutant Sperm is a SyFy Channel movie next weekend, starring all four Baldwin brothers.

I think Mutant Sperm opened for the Sex Pistols.

I shall call it 'Chazz'

Just have a hanky ready

Do we know for sure that the real problem isn't that the egg has a headache?

Does that Phellps fellow know about this?

Maybe the egg resents the use of a "Klingon cloaking device" to help the sperm "sneak their way to an egg." Talk about dirty tricks...

Wonder what kind of magazine was read by said whale in donating sperm?

"Wow! Look at those flippers!"

Lemme see if I got this right.

Mutated sperm has six Cds out....sorry...

Mutated sperm can not swim because they don't the necessary green card fluorescent...

so they are basically retarded?

God moves in mysterious ways...

Serial (serious) question: If your sperm has more green florescence, is the vessel from which it comes (no comment here) florescent, too?

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