South Korean scientists create glowing dog
(Thanks to cyberick and Danielle)
« June 2011 | Main | August 2011 »
South Korean scientists create glowing dog
(Thanks to cyberick and Danielle)
Pastor thanks Lord for his 'smoking hot wife'
(Thanks to The Perts)
Glendale Man Tries to Remove Hernia Using Butter Knife
(Thanks to klezmerphan, Jen I and Jeffrey Brown)
Cowboys Training Camp Begins Tomorrow--Local Strip Clubs Rejoice
(Thanks to Jeff Meyerson)
Navy’s Next Laser Mashes Up Machine Guns and Death Rays
(Thanks to Janice Gelb)
Woman Assaulted With Bratwurst
(Thanks to Bill Hudgins)
Unfortunately our strict policy prohibits us from presenting the Idaho Motoring Update.
(Thanks to Craig Roberts)
Teacher And Principal Smoked Meth At West Virginia Vocational School
(Thanks to Jeff Meyerson)
Allegedly intoxicated Florida man attempts to drive car over Hornell footbridge
(Thanks to Maryqos)
Men use 'sniff test' to tell clothes' cleanliness, survey shows
(Thanks to Jeffrey Brown and Matt Filar)
Clairvoyant finds peeing soldier's smart stick
(Thanks to Mark Schlesinger)
Naked homeowner fends off would-be car prowler
Suggestive Opening Sentence: Randall Dykstra is a hard-working landscaper who believes very strongly in his right to stand-up for himself.
(Thanks to Craig Roberts)
Related Update: 70-Year-Old Woman Chases Naked Intruder Out of Home
(Thanks to Jeffrey Brown)
Three masked men stole Winnie the Pooh purse, police say
(Thanks to funny man)
(Thanks to Jeff Meyerson)
...when you're thinking about behaving badly.
(Thanks to Allen at Division)
(Thanks to Chris Elzi)
Men Driving Stolen Car Ask Police for Directions
(Thanks to Jeffrey Brown)
Dutch tourist caught stealing a cowbell in Bavaria
(Thanks to Chris Elzi)
Wanna do some walnuts?
(Thanks to Mark Schlesinger)
THERE was at least one downside to Farinelli's castration.
(Thanks to jon harris)
Before his arrest, Solchenberger was accused of stealing a truck in Wausau, crashing the truck, and then stealing a bike. He next fled police on the bike and then abandoned the bike to continue his escape on foot, and finally swam across the river to avoid arrest, Marathon County Sheriff's Lt. Randy Albert said.
(Thanks to Sharon)
Urine doesn't ease jellyfish stings, after all
(Thanks to Jeffrey Brown)
About 20 minutes later, Twombly reportedly took exception when his new bride, Khamla Twombly, began to dance with Travis Cullen, a groomsman in the wedding party. Documents say Twombly approached and pushed Cullen so hard that Cullen lost his balance and knocked over a ceramic column near where an off-duty police officer was sitting on a stool.
(Thanks to Jeff Meyerson)
The Eight Most Dangerous Interstates
(Thanks to Jeff Meyerson)
Isn't it time (1987) someone did something?
The question is: What should be done? One proposed solution that has been kicking around for some time now is the Fashion Police. The way I envision this working is, you'd have people in very tasteful uniforms patrolling public places, monitoring the clothing of civilians and taking whatever corrective actions were necessary. Usually this would consist of a simple polite oral warning, such as:
"I am sorry, sir, but the 'muscle' shirt is designed to be worn by people who have actual discernible muscles, as opposed to rolls of fat large enough to break the falls of world-class pole vaulters."
"Madame, we do not wear fake-leopard-skin hot pants and very high heels unless we are a 15-year-old girl who cannot even pronounce the word 'cellulite.' "
(Thanks to Damon Daniels)
Condom shortage after supply wrangle
(Thanks to Janice Gelb)
You can finally get high using Harrod’s $2000 Porsche bong.
(Thanks to Ralph)
Dancing squid bowl: Could you eat this?
(Thanks to Janice Gelb)
Charlotte woman run over in bed after drunk driver plows through 1st floor apartment
(Thanks to Jeff Meyerson)
The California milk board has decided that it was a bad idea to do an ad campaign poking fun at PMS.
(Thanks to MOTW)
"I have to say, `I'm up here,"' he said, pointing to his face. "Just like a girl."
(Thanks to Craig Roberts)
Bear breaks into car for chicken nuggets
(Thanks to Chuck Cody)
(Thanks to Mark Schlesinger, who says "The problem is keeping the police out of the trap.")
Harlem woman sues JetBlue after officials question if she's wearing underwear, kick her off flight
Key Investigative Technique: Malinda Knowles, 27, claims in a Queens Supreme Court lawsuit that a JetBlue supervisor put a walkie-talkie between her legs to see what she had on under her baggy T-shirt.
(Thanks to The Perts)
(Thanks to funny man)
Yes, Lake County is in Florida
(Thanks to Janice Gelb)
Man puts gun to wife's head during argument over who's the favorite grandchild
(Thanks to Jeff Meyerson, who wishes everyone to play "Guess the State")
1) Someone thought it would be a good idea to create an entire tv program on The Potato? Really?
2a) On Miami Vice, Sonny drove out of the parking garage at the Miami airport, directly onto the streets of South Beach. Crossover from Bewitched?
2b) Parking garage car chases are the rotary phones of the car chase world. Here in 2011, cars going faster than 20 MPH would be airborne every 30 yards.
3) Thundercats HO!
4) Who on earth would purchase a product called "Snap-on Smile"? (Note to self: See if The Blog wants to purchase one for the Gift Guide.)