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July 16, 2011


World's 'Most Dangerous Bird' escapes from exhibit at Denver Zoo

(Thanks to Matt Filar)


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When asked about his unusual name, his mother, Mrs. Frieda Cassowary said fondly, "He just looked like a 'Murray'."

Its just another one of the dangerous and poisonous insectos, lizards, snakes, jellyfish and assorted animals you find in Australia.

Alert the National Guard!

Tastes like chicken.

Green pigs beware!

Murray, bird from the Bronx with sharp, big talons,
strong and fast legs and "attitude".

They send him to collect rent and eggs from other birds.

Toes of death. Arm yourselves with nail clippers if the TSA hasn't taken them away.

Hey, did you happen to see the most dangerous bird in the world? Charlie Rich.

If you have ever been spurred by a big rooster, you can understand how a bigger one could kill you.

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