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July 23, 2011


School mum about possum tossing


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Don't people have something better to do with their time.

Man, I read that headline wrong.

I was trying to figure out why a "school mum" was "about" anything.

Jeff...I made the same mistake. I was trying to picture an Aussie kid saying, "Come over after school and meet my mum. Y'know, she's all about possum-tossing."

Hey, as long as they're not dwarf possums...

Jeff, Betsy, Me three. Glad I am not, at this very second, going crazy.

Australian Brush-tailed Possums are a major imported pest in New Zealand; the equivalent in the U.S. might be a dead rat throwing contest. Few Kiwis are going to mourn the possums, and they're easier to throw than dead sheep.

Possums are actually more closely related to kangaroos than to our opossums. So first, roo roo.

Jeff, Betsy, Mikey...me four.

If you've ever had a possum as a pest, you'd be for
throwing all of them!!! (As in throwing way way far away!)

I am suprised that there was a so-called world wide outrage. Maybe PETA is behind it. We need better

And whoever is behind the so-called outrage, lets send them free of charge a dozen live feral possums. I'll chip in $10! Anyone else?

Possum Tossing WBAGNFARB.

It would also be a good euphemism for masturbation.

It's not like the article said they killed the possums. Does it offend the dignity of a dead animal to toss it? How?
I suggest that if PETA members were all that concerned about animals, they'd offer to substitute their own bodies as a meal replacement.
Throw another PETAn on the barbie!

I always thought it was school marm.

--No, they're not tossing marmots, they're tossing possums!


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