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July 23, 2011


No thanks.


(Thanks to nursecindy)


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Absolutely on my bucket list.

No really.

Diver. It's what's for dinner.

The diver dould have been krilled...

Stick a cracker under him and he would be the perfect oerdevoir, oar derve, orderve little snack.


That is Horse Ovaries.

snork@ JG

Awesome photo, NC!

Dave, methinks this could spark another Peter Pan-type
Broadway play:

Jason and the Great Whale Shark! (An updated and fun
version of Jonah and the whale)...

Fake fake fake fake fake ...

I don't think so, SW.

If I had been the diver in that picture I would either have been paddling very rapidly or would have been belly-up dead from a heart attack.

Oh, Man, that's so on my list of things to do!
I caught a black-tip shark the other day, a little boy about two feet long. It wasn't the same thing, though.
And for those wondering how you tell if a shark is a boy or girl: you look.

Jonah? Pinoccio? Gepetto? Can't be all bad.

The photo looks like the diver = plopped olive in a martini shark. Fortunately, he was only shaken, not strained.

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