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July 25, 2011


About 20 minutes later, Twombly reportedly took exception when his new bride, Khamla Twombly, began to dance with Travis Cullen, a groomsman in the wedding party. Documents say Twombly approached and pushed Cullen so hard that Cullen lost his balance and knocked over a ceramic column near where an off-duty police officer was sitting on a stool.

(Thanks to Jeff Meyerson)


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Were there (not their) doughnuts at this reception?

I just can't get past the name Kamla Twombley, but of course on this prim blog, one has to man up and be polite.

As a police officer, he was off duty. But he may have been a paid security agent at the time.

I'm assuming the wedding guest who was amazed at the number of officers who responded does not read this blog and know of the quite common wedding/brawl which is the custom in some parts.

I've never been to any interesting weddings like this. I think it may point to the fact that I'm boring and all my friends are too.

Coming soon, on an episode of "My Big Redneck Wedding"...

Moral of the story: If you want to see a lot of cops in action, have a wedding reception brawl.

It's not really a successful wedding unless at least one of the wedding party gets hauled off in handcuffs.

Remember her?

I wouldn't bet on John Jacob and Khamla makin' it to their first anniversary.

I am not going to hire an off-duty cop to police any of my kid's weddings. We can settle it on our own.

Talk about a dis-function.

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