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July 22, 2011


Man arrested after giving girl a hickey

(Thanks to nursecindy)


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I'm amazed I got through high school without being arrested.

I will definitely be wearing a turtle neck the next time I go to Kings Mountain.

The article makes it sound like he 'placed' it on her neck with a magic marker.


cindy, considering that it's close to 100 here today I wouldn't recommend turtlenecks any time soon.

Jeff, it's already 90 here. I've managed to catch the only living cold germ in N.C. so I will be spending the day in my very air-conditioned house, on my sofa, with the ceiling fan on. Now hand me those tissues would you?


About 100 here in Northern VA. Not hickey weather here. But lying around nekkid to stay cool. Remind me to pull down the shades though next time I walk past the window.

Sumer cold! Bummer!

It's now officially 100 in Central Park, so on the streets and subway platforms it's a lot worse. The "real feel" temperature is 115.

Any pictures you want to share, Mikey?

It's 733 here in LA right now, and earlier in the wek I read, but didn't feel, reports of a heat wave. I can only conclude the locals here are sissies.

*Hi Annie*

It's not the heat, it's the humidity which last time I checked hovered around 400%. I'm really tired of seeing the local weatherpersons frying steaks, eggs, bacon, etc. on car dashboards. I don't know if they're trying to give the weather report or if they're trying to sell cookware.

I lived in the South for eight years, and I've lived in Phoenix since 78. That's how much I'd rather be here than there.

It's now officially 103, breaking the 1957 record of 101. With the humidity it feels like 111-116 (depending on the time they check it).

cindy, TWC just showed this idiot on Today (used to be on the local news) doing just that, except he was frying two eggs on the sidewalk! Granted it was in a frying pan, but he also heated a frozen pizza directly on the pavement, then offered a piece to an intern. She told him, "You are shameless."

No kidding.

DesertAl: my parents are in Surprise and my sister is in Scottsdale. My wife likes the dry heat there because she says it's good for her hair.

117 is still 117, dry or otherwise.

I was in Las Vegas once at 117 degrees but the humidity was only a little over 15%, so it wasn't that bad.
Here in St. Augustine, it's only about 97. Bearable.
Funny, because on my wife's farm in Kentucky, 97 is Hell on a barbeque grill.

That's 73.3. I live in LA, not Venus.

Whew! Thank goodness Elon! I thought we were getting ready for afternoon thunderstorms a few minutes ago because I heard what I thought was thunder. In fact it was a very large, very old oak tree that is now laying down in my back yard. I guess it just couldn't take the heat. I hope the idiot mechanic I just finished dealing with doesn't work for the tree service people also. He would tell me to get used to the tree in the yard. btw, this tree was over 100 years old and in fact IS my back yard right now.

NC - I just hauled a large limb that broke off one of my large trees due to drought and heat. Today is the 40th (or so) day over 100 in Austin. Still have a ways to go to get to the record of 69 days. Even though we are used to it - it is still to darn hot. Hope you get to feeling better.

A friend just called me in a panic because their car overheated. I told him to pour water in the radiator. He asked why it wasn't necessary to use antifreeze. I told him we won't get winter here for at least a week.

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