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July 22, 2011


Man dumped by fiancee after selling kidney for £12k to buy engagement ring

(Thanks to Chuck Cody)


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Why did she have to dump him in the Ukraine though?

If he really loved her he would have sold both kidneys and gotten a bigger diamond.

Women are from Venus, Men Are from the Dialysis Unit.

I prefer the O. Henry version of this story. These modern rewrites never work as well.

Kidneys are obviously worth more than his brain on the open market.

I am now singing "50 Ways to Leave Your Liver"

I am also failing to impress my cat by doing so.

She should have passed on that kidney stone.

Should have donated something he wasn't using, like his brain.

If he really loved her he would have sold both kidneys and gotten a bigger diamond.

Posted by: nursecindy | July 22, 2011 at 10:58 PM

Now that's the woman's perspective!

On the one hand, yes it's cold. But from her point of view, what would he think of selling of hers if he wanted a new car, perhaps?

Why did she go all the way to the Ukraine to dump him?

He's better off. Hope he meets a gorgeous Ukrainian gal like Mila Kunis.

She dumped him because she knew his manhood wouldn't bring more than a cubic zirconium.

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