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July 18, 2011


Man says it's too hot to fish

(Thanks to Matt Filar)


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As a Georgia native, I completely understand this. Of course my cousins just throw an M-80 in the water, gather up the affected fish, and then go home.

"Kirk fishes off a boat with a 1958 model outboard motor that he keeps in running shape. Recently it gave him some problems."

I bet that's an Evinrude. Their '58s have always been a tetch flaky.

Give it up for Flathead Catfish.

He raises "rabbit dogs".
As Ross Perot used to say-"That dog won't fish"

Stop the presses!

This article has an Ambien effect on the unsuspecting.

Are we SURE this didn't come from The Onion?

KJP, that would be "Local Man Says It's Too Hot for Fishing."

I thought for a minute you were printing my hometown newspaper. Of course it just comes out once a week so there will be enough news for both sides of the paper.

Is he single? NC wanted me to ask.

In the words of the late, great Harold Ensley, the sportsman's friend, "No Sh***! Sherlock!"

Maybe he should raise fish dogs!

Of the hardest part will be teaching them to swim and dive.

should have been

Of course the hardest part...

Mikey's contagious?

Woman and children hardest hurt...

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