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July 16, 2011


Unfortunately our strict policy prohibits us from bring you the Asian Celebrity Update.


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Love that plaid-vest-over-undershirt look. Gotta try that tonight.

Suk and Dong in the same sentence? My good taste, and the delicate sensibilities of those on this site prevents me from bring this up.

That's what people (twisted people, granted) say about Richard Simmons: "an energizer with charisma."

O/T - that reminds me: if you didn't see it on The Daily Show, he had a clip of Michelle Bachmann accusing Obama of having "chutzpa" - only she pronounced the first syllable as in "chutney."



Jeff, I would say to send Michelle Bachmann to Washington but I don't think she knows where it is.

OT-I can't figure out if Michelle is a plot to make Sarah look good, or Sarah is a plot to make Michelle look good. So I think we should vote for almost anybody but these two.

Back to topic:
Even though Ho Dong-hyung has charisma, for the well-being of the whole program, he knows how to restrict it.

Isn't that a bit like saying someone is a genius but really is a fool? I mean that just contradicted the whole charisma thing.

“People just say that, I actually lack charisma“.

Maybe they just meant your "fashion sense", Suk.

...he saw that his members were on the verge of falling behind so he came back down to help them. Does he really lack charisma like he says?

Okay, coming back to help is not charisma. It is
a sense of responsibility, perhaps even compassion.
Methinks something got lost in the translation, like
the (funny to us dumb westerners) title of the show they worked on together, the ‘MC Dae Gyuk Dol-Gong Po Ae Koong Koong Ddah'.

Duh, indeed!

Too much celebrity for me especially the guy whose name is Kang Ho Dong. I wonder if he is apt to send pictures of his package around. Too funny.

Geez...his members are falling behind! Show a little compassion!

(Jeff...yup...I saw it too. It sounded somewhere between "Chut"ney and "Shoots"pah. New aphorism: It takes more than a caraway seed to turn WonderBread into Russian Rye)

Come on Betsy nurse and others - I come here to be free of politics.

Can we leave it at the door?

I didn't start it Mikey. Jeff did. To be honest anytime I see something that looks like politics on TV I turn the channel. I watch a lot of LMN movies.

Me too! That is why I love this site so much, it is clever and funny (up the nose with soda funny)and some of the folks are so good with their comments.

I like to come here to get away.

What do ya think, bikini wax for Jeff?

That's c-h-u-t-z-p-a-h, Jeff. And the 'ch' sound (as in chump) is perfectly acceptable.

When I was going through chemo and radiation last year, I used to come here everyday just to get a laugh. It really helped.

All of you did with your great, smart and funny comments took me away for awhile.

I am in remission now (tonsil and lymph gland) and still like come here for the good times.

I am amazed at how you guys come up with the comments that you do! Brilliant!

I think Jeff is definitely due for a bikini wax however I think a Brazilian wax would be an even better idea.

Yes! Brazilian! Ha men are such sissies! They ought to use Brazilian wax in Gitmo.

Interrogator:" OK Usama where is the terrorist cell?"

Usama, " I will never tell!"

Interrogator, "We will water board you!"

Usama, "I will never tell!"

Interrogtor to aide,"Bring in the Brazilian Wax kit."

Usama, "They are on the corner of Ben Laden and Abdul Street, here are the GPS coordinates."

Actually, Bachmann was in Washington to vote against the latest budget proposal. Seems it still had funding for Obamacare.

What's so funny?

Michelle Bachmann needs to learn when to chut the fook up.

David, I know how to spell it and I know how to pronounce it. You need to sound like you're clearing your throat getting ready to spit.

My point is, don't use a word you don't understand and can't pronounce unless you want to make yourself look even more foolish than you normally do.

With this apple-pie-for-brains running for pre...pre...pres...no, I can't bring myself to say it....but with THAT happening all I CAN say is....

Buh-buh-buh-baby you just ain't seen nuh-nuh-nuthin' yet!

Seeing all these Asian names reminds me of the Chinese restaurant where I recently dined. I believe the Chinese chef's name was Yu Toss Chow.

When I lived in Korea, I pronounced Suk as Sook, but Dong did not come up very much. I think they gave me credit for being an American and not knowing how to say things right.

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