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July 22, 2011


Lawyer: Passenger Was Stupid, Drunk When Releasing Ship's Anchor

(Thanks to Chuck Cody)



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"Feloney stupidity." YES! Think of how many idiots we could get rid of that way!

He'll plea bargain the felony stupidity charge down to misdemeanor mopery with intent to winch. Or whinge. Or perhaps wench.

Speaking as a mariner, albeit merely the operator of a 30' powerboat, the next thing that would enter the water after the anchor would be a moron like this.

I operate my vessel in waters that are 800' deep and have considerable concern for the safety of my passengers....the last thing I need is for some idiot to interfere in such a way while my vessel is underway.

This is why God invented 9mm Glocks (and I'm Canadian).

Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, son.

I saw Misdemeanor Mopery open for Santana.

No, but fat, drunk, stupid, and rich will do.

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