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July 21, 2011


More or less.

(Thanks to oldfatguy)


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I am proud that he is a fellow Mass-hole.

I completely understand his anger. I've just finished, I hope, dealing with mechanics who told me to get use to the fact my transmission was set wrong. I guess they thought that since I am only 5'3" tall and a woman I would say, "Okay". They were wrong. I would like to add that I am sorry I threatened to run over them with my car. Twice. However, I would happily run over this guy's van salesman for him.

I knew cindy was going to be on his side. So am I.

I would be delicious if CarFax signed him to an advertising deal.

shark, that's excellent!

Sharkie, I'm sure you're delicious enough without this guy signing a CarFax deal.

> volunteers for the taste testing <

mmmm...lemon shark steak

Sharkie, are you insured, 'cause it sounds like some of the blogettes want to wreck you?

So, AFTER he buys a used vehicle he decided to have a mechanic look it over. I suppose it's difficult to put your pants on if your shoes are already on, too.


I too am a 5'3" girl. They think they have a "live one" so I Always wear my college Physics Major t-shirt.

Ya see they think if I have a physics degree, which I do that I know about EVERYTHING. Even if I don't.

It is the only way I can be taken seriously in guyland.

...I would happily run over this guy's van salesman for him...

Tell them that you are a medical professional and were trying to resuscitate him, a couple of times, but being that you were JUST A SMALL GIRL you couldn't give him PROPER chest compressions...

Happy Birthday, David Cross, in jail!
No mechanic would dare take advantage of me. Before the chair, I'd follow them into the service area and stick my nose right into what they were doing and figure it out. That's the beauty of having an engineer as a Dad. Even with the chair, a cane would work jusssst fine and I would have a ready weapon. BTW, I'm 5'4" standing; I dunno what I am sitting down.

Great ideas, Mikey! I've also found holding a tire iron makes them take you more seriously. Eil, if it's a motorized wheelchair you have a definite advantage! I actually had one mechanic say I reminded him of a little stick of dynamite and then he muttered something about how he thought redheads with tempers were just a myth. Sharkie, don't worry. If Judi or any of the rest of us hurt you I am a trained medical professional AND I have a new roll of duct tape.

MarShark, there's a sauce for that, two posts up.

He has my vote for 2012. I'm thinking Wendi Deng for Secretary of Defense.

Wow, I really need to proof read more when at the wifi hotspots.

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