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July 26, 2011


Driver Shi Shao, 48, told police in Shaoyang, Hunan province, southern China, that he thought he'd hit a pothole and was returning to his depot to have the suspension checked.


(Thanks to Jeff Meyerson)


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oh dear. and they drive buses btn albany and nyc. whoopsie.

My mechanic would just tell him he will get used to it. I'm no automotive genius but even I would know if the wheels fell off my car.

Hey I don't blame him -- I wouldn't want to drive a pink bus either.

True, queensbee. Those Chinese buses scare the crap out of me. I give them a very wide berth.

The bus driver was Urasmus B. Dragon.

It caused a 3-hour tailback? Is that, like, in football?

*borrowing Siouxie's hair flip*

3 hour tailback. Shouldn't he contact his doctor immediately?

Chinese Dragon bus. Reminds me of the scene from American Graffiti.

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