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June 04, 2011



(Thanks to Janice Gelb)


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Sniff. This reminds me of some the family reunions I've attended. Minus the skid mark.

NC - snork at "sniff"

He was marking his territory.

The pertinent verse of " Oh Promise Me " doesn't usually get sung at weddings.

commando at wedding. book title? wbagnfarb?

"Oh, Honey, when you get married you can wear the dress your mother wore!"
"NO! Thanks!"

‘Ol Angus McClure
Was stinky for sure
Perched on his bride
No knickers on his hide
Sarah gave him a swipe
Because he surely didn’t wipe
Her gown became brown
Was the talk of the town
Once they sobered up
They forgave the dustup
And are now living happily ever after…

Bonus points for drunken brawl at Temperance Hall.

If it's yellow
Whack the fellow.
If it's brown
Knock him down.


Loved the "when they sobered up" part, the only thing in the article I totally believed.

Good one Coconuts and Meanie!

Rectum? I nearly divorced 'im!

Obligatory: What can brown do for you?

The "Reformed Temperance Hall?" Is that for people who've given up giving up drinking?

Reformed Temperance Hall?

What, they've repented their rehab???

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