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April 19, 2011


Do not mess with them.

(Thanks to Ralph)

Warning: Raunch.


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A headline writer's dream story!

Coming to Broadway, The Venomous Vagina Monologues!

This is a classic piece (as is the wife, apparently).

Judging by the "Get more from this author" section, old Lester usually writes about science fiction. He certainly let himself go here:

drink from the furry cup
suggesting her other half eat at the Y
he smelt something fishy before diving in
has decided to probe deeper into the matter

Oh for Gawds sakes, just shoot the bastard.

...and the sidebar,
"Oz driver prangs ute during 'amorous activities' "

Hey, baby, want to prang my ute? *nudge nudge*...

Hey waitaminute. If she was Brazilian why was it furry?

He had it coming?

I saw Venomous Vagina open for ... well, a lot of folks.

Warning: more raunch

You think that your marriage is rough?
Well, this lady had just had enough.
She immersed her whole box in
A virulent toxin
But the murder attempt she did muff.

He'd have been the first male to get toxic-shock syndrome.

Bravo, Ford!

That sounds like a trap I'd fall for.

There once was a man from Brazil
Who his wife was determined to kill
She poured venom in her hoohoo
And invited him to chew chew
But his nose told him don't drink your fill

Do you need a warrant to look for evidence?

Now that is low.

I've always wondered what "safe sex" meant.

Leave it to.... no, I can't say it.

"Geez dear, you smell unusually fresh. Wait a minute, what are you up to?

I'm speechless.

I'm taking notes. ;)

Never again do I want to hear the phrase, "win/win"

The Register: "Our standards are never so low that we can't keep going down."

I'm having a hard time coming (har!) up with anything that would harm him without killing her first.

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