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April 19, 2011


Not this blog.

(Thanks to Jeff Meyerson)


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Yeah, but by the time he packs up and gets home, it'll have wrinkles again.

Oh, the irony.

Next stop, the Golden Glades Interchange.

I sense a new EXTREME sport in the making.

Was that a battery-operated iron or an invisible extension cord?

I loved the stunt .. guy in a robe, calmly ironing his shirt. He could've had curlers in his hair and a cigarette hanging off his lower lip.

Is is only my cynical observation, or does anyone else think that he did this - in public, on camera - just for the attention? I see MOTW's point: where's the cord?

Since her stint in prison, Martha Stewart hasn't been quite the same.

Do that too much and you'll get carpool tunnel syndrome.

I was wondering where the cord was. Maybe it's better if we don't know. Snork@Clankazoid.

I guess the road closure got him steamed.

So the best way to get guys to do chores is to give them an audience?

So we have people on the road using the iPhone, iBook, iPad, and now the iRon. What's the big deal?

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