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April 13, 2011


The mice will play.

(Thanks to marfie)


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Tha's na' a kilt!

When I look at the picture of judi and walter, I swear I can hear Walter purring.

You've got the magic touch, judi!

We should make a little kilt for Walter.

Just say no to (Butt) crack.

Sorry girls, he's currently sold out.

Reminds me of my kitchen towel rack. Yes, I do my own decorating.

that will have to wait until i get home. work has it blocked.

Annie, which one? Walter or the mini-kilt model?

Both - Kilt-boy as my towel rack, and of course the ever-popular judi-Walter fridge magnet.

Does the reverse hold true? When the mice are away the cats will play?
Plus we need more information. Where did the cats go? Why did they go away? What do the mice play? Cards, soccer, around?

So...Dave's out of town, then?


*pulls kilt to wipe drool*

Thank you, judi!!

If the girls get a topless photo the guys should get one too.

Be very careful what you wish for, Wingnut.

>>So...Dave's out of town, then?<<

And while he's gone, he's had the wool pulled over his thighs.


Thank you, Judi!

What's the matter, Mahatma - chicken?

If so, you really shouldn't look at this one either.

Did anyone else "Click to enlarge"?

Somehow, I knew Judi would post this the next time the blog was out of town...

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