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April 17, 2011


Stilettos injure more women than sports accidents

(Thanks to Jeff Meyerson)


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Mr Pusser said women were coming unstuck everywhere - crossing the road, hailing cabs, walking down stairs, tripping up stairs and in the office.

Will Rogers had a lot of stuff named after him for writing thoughtful passages like this.

Brittney is stacked with compelling articles like this one. Bouncy's Mate. A tandem in perpetual tow.

Oooh, pretty pretty shoes!


While I appreciate viewin' a nice set of gams* and this style of footwear does contribute to a more glamorous posture ... it's also still true that ya can't fix stoopid ... excess in anythin' is usually detrimental to one's health and well-bein' ... merely sayin' ...

Pretty shoes?!? Where??!!

*klunk, thud*

OW! I tripped over Annie and got her stilleto in the eye!

*my usageness of this nomenclature might provide y'all with a clue as to how long I've been perusin' nicely-curved gastronemia ... merely admittin' it ...

But how many MEN do stilettos injure? Shoddy journalism.

"But outside of the sporting arena we're also attending to knee and head injuries, chest injuries, broken or fractured wrists and busted fingers as girls go down unexpectedly on concrete, stairs, or fall against a table while out to dinner.
But at least they still look sexy while all of this is happening.

cindy, of course if you read further it does say that alcohol was often involved in these cases.

Don't drink and walk!

Can goldfish platforms be far behind.

Tash, all of my 'incidents' were accidents, and you can't prove otherwise.

Personally, I don't think women should be allowed to wear stilettos while playing sports.

Right Wing. Can lingerie Football in stilettos be any more dangerous than hockey wearing those knife blade skates? Nah.

Why, oh, why do all those fine films documenting Freddy or Jason chasing some young thing through the woods always show her wearing stilettos?
And falling? Which apparently renders a woman incapable of getting back up, so she is reduced to crawling away from a maniac?

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