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April 20, 2011


Otter causes chaos in Tulla in County Clare

(Thanks to Matt Filar, who asks, "What's a Tayto bag?")


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Hey Matt: Taytos are crisps/potato chips.

Ah, just shows ye that me people are me people even when they're not, y'know, people.

I'm sure he was on the footpath for one of the two reasons the rest of the townspeople were, that is, either going to the pub, or coming from it.

Nice marmot.

There otter be a law.

They call me Tayto Crisp!

Now the otter is REALLY pissed - do you know how long it had taken him to walk into town to buy that bag of crisps???

Good thing they weren't in Canada! Kidnapping an otter is punishable by death, and no Taytos!!!

Do otters carry rabies?

Caught with an otter pylon.

'Bout ye!

Tayto are a delicious brand of potato chips from Northern Ireland.

Try the pickled onion flavour. They're otter-discombobulatingly good!

bon, no, so it's good Joseph "Rabies" Burke was on hand to carry the otter.

Thanks for letting me know what Taytos are. I've had a strange craving for some all day, but not knowing what they were prevented me from going to my local Tayto outlet. Now I have to go to Northern Ireland.

Leave it alone. When it's on the road, it has the same rights as any other ottermobile.

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