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April 18, 2011


"Oh, nothing."

(Thanks to Loudmouth)


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This is EXACTLY why we always send little Cletus to school with spare undies in his backpack.

That is sooooo cool!! Reminds me of my sixth grade teacher...

D@mn! When I was that age the highlight of the school day was sniffing mimeograph pages.

Okay, and dodging real dinosaurs.

Oh cool, terrorize the little brats. Then when they don't eat their liver and brocolli tell them the dinosauer is coming to get them. hahahaah. I love it.

I love the one comment under the video about how it isn't a real T-Rex because you can see legs under the costume.

Wonder if trauma counselors were availble ?

This wouldn't work in America, as the kids would surround the Dino-man and eat him, tearing the "costume" to shreds.

Some of our kids are even packin, so could be worse....

Teacher's Lounge. Ketsup packs placed under the toilet seat. Payback is Behar.

adds 'a' in front the Bahar.

Dear PBS: You dump the purple freak and give THAT thing its own half-hour show, and I'll drop my objections to your government funding.

" I can't understand why Johnny has to sleep with the light on. "

I'd put the soundtrack for the critter onto a child's mp3 player and wait to see what happens.

Snork@ "its not a real t-rex"

Speaking of which, here is a real T-Rex song,
almost as scary!

The bongo drummer is extra creepy!!!

Best. Halloween. Costume. Ever.

Yeah, in Texas, somoeone would've shot it.

Good thing little kids have strong hearts.

In the States, the law suits would have already been filed.

"Mommy! Mommy! He followed me home! Can we keep him???"

Best. Pet. Ever.

"My T-Rex can beat your attorney."

It's great watching the kids scream like they were on an amusement park ride...they only look scared for a moment. haha, good fun.

After my experiences taking spiders into classrooms, I'd bet the teachers were wetting their pants more than the kids were.

You can tell it is Australian cuz the kids are wearing hats in school.

Tomorrow the Killer Klown troupe comes to class!

I want one. Never have to be the horses ass again.

But, you'd apparently have to be the dinosaurs' hoo-ha.

Love the kid whose impulse is "Pet the velociraptor..."

I wanna be a kid again! Or no, I wanna be the dinosaur! That's it, a professional dinosaur! What a job.

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