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April 18, 2011


'Pandemonium' for thousands who flocked to Oakleaf Easter egg drop

(Thanks to Kevin Meerschaert, who notes that Arthur Carlson is mentioned in the comments)


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Oh the humanity!

As God is my witness, I thought church leaders were smarter than that.

Why do they call it a 'hunt' anyway? They're out in plain sight. You're not allowed to use a gun.

WWJD ;-)

Ever been hit in the head with a plastic easter egg?

It hurts!

Tossing anything (other than a dictator) outta a copter aught to be outlawed!!!

I really thought plastic Easter eggs could fly...

What a hare-brained scheme.

Maybe if the adults weren't out there picking up eggs too, there would have been enough for the kids.

Dropping Easter turkeys would have dispersed the crowd.

Y'all rang, Jeff?

I find it amazin'ly amusin' ... or amusin'ly amazin' ... that so many blogits harken to the turkey drop ... y'know how many of them posters above stole my ideas? Best answer I can think of is ... GMTA ...

Piñata for idiots (with more money than brains).

We did this....once. The place was full of rude kids hogging all the eggs, and sobbing kids with no eggs. My son had a couple of eggs, so he had fun making the crying kids feel better by giving them each an egg. I told him that was a very nice thing to do.

"No big deal, Mom," he said, "I gave them the empty ones."

Didn't Bunny Drop open for Lady Gaga?

I fully expect to hear this story as part of Wait, Wait Don't Tell Me in the near future.

Yabbut people complain more if you drop chickens instead.

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