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April 16, 2011


Tom Balish Ticketed for Tossing Octopus at Joe Louis Arena

(Thanks to oneblankspace)


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So "Tossing the Octopus" is illegal, eh?

*trades in octopus for dwarf*

Don't you wonder how these guys get into the arena with an octopus under their clothes? In New York they certainly check you closely enough that they'd notice an octopus, for criminy's sake.

And then there's the small. Wouldn't want to be sitting next to Tom.

I ate at a certain Vietnamese restaurant once, in D.C., and I tossed the Octopus, but thankfully didn't have to clean it up. The meal was on the house after that, or more precisely, on the floor.

Where does one go to say in a loud voice "I want to buy an octopus! In fact, I want to buy a french tickler!" Wait, wrong movie. Ah well, the octopus thing then.

Have an octopus toss Tom onto the ice, if you want to sell hockey tickets.

For crying out loud, if you let fans get away with throwing octopi on the ice after a goal someone is going to get a black eye, a tooth knocked out or worse.

So the NHL put the arm on him?

I need new glasses. I thought it said Tom Balish Tickled for Tossing Octopus at Joe Louis Arena. That seemed kind of mean.

"tossing your octopus"

I've never heard that euphemism before.

So I went to a hockey game and an octopus broke out.

Quait local traditions.

Yeah, I wonder how they get them in, too.

Quaint spelling error.

nursecindy: No one expects the Spanish Inquisition.

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