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April 18, 2011


Gardener Hugh Jenner, 82, was rewarded with free horse manure for a year after ­returning a ­bracelet he found in a bag from a local stable.

(Thanks to Ralph)


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He won Jack's pot

What ever happened to gainfully employed mean, almost always senile school crossing guards? You've seen one I know you have.

As a vegtable gardener, I'd appreciate a free source of manure. Pig or chicken may be a bit hard to stand...but horse and cow are great !

I would prefer cash. Then I could go to the Farmers Market and buy my vegetables.

Give us your address and the postman will be right over with it.

He will never again have to worry about a possible
S*** shortage.

But his "friends" will tease him unmercifully about
always be full (of/with) s***.

Now he can actually give a sh!t.

You get the same reward for trying to question anything on your AT & T telephone bill.

The sidebar has other exciting news from the UK.

Send it to Washington. Maybe not.

My sister once stated that our father would buy horse sh!t if it were at a yard sale.
He stated that he certainly would because you don't get much better fertilizer than that.
Daddy always came away from yard sales with treasure. I always leave with horse sh!t.

We're guessing he's single.

And lives way off by hisownself.

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